Lectio Divina Groups
Contact us if you are interested in attending.
“Just as the adoration of the Eucharist prepares for, accompanies and follows the liturgy of the Eucharist, so too prayerful reading, personal and communal, prepares for, accompanies and deepens what the Church celebrates when she proclaims the Word in a liturgical setting. “(Verbum Domini § 86).”
How the Lectio Divina unfolds:
1. The first step is a few minutes of silence and prayer to call on the Holy Spirit to open our minds and hearts to the Word of God.
2. Someone reads the chosen text aloud and all follow with their own Bible. We take 3 minutes of silence to reread and pray over the text and to see what word, phrase or sentence strikes us. After this, each one shares the word, phrase etc. which has touched us. This sharing is done in a prayerful atmosphere without discussion. 3. The text is read again by someone and then we take 5 minutes of silence and prayer to reread it and to listen to what the Lord is saying to me personally through this text. Each one in turn shares. This sharing is done with our eyes closed and is in the form of a prayer. 4. The text is read again by someone and then we take 5 minutes of silence and prayer to reread the text and to meditate on what our response to the Lord is. And so we share in the same way with our eyes closed and speaking in the form of a prayer, addressing the Lord with our answer to Him. 5. We take a few minutes of silence and finish up with the Our Father. |