Pope's Monthly Intentions 2020 -2021
DECEMBER 2020 Intention For evangelisation - For a Life of Prayer We pray that our personal relationship with Jesus Christ be nourished by the Word of God and a life of prayer. JANUARY 2021 Intention For evangelisation May the Lord give us the grace to live in fellowship with our brothers and sisters We pray that Christians, followers of other religions, and all people of goodwill will live in peace, praying for one another. FEBRUARY Universal intention - violence against women We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and may their suffering be considered and heeded. t MARCH Intention For evangelisation - Sacrament of reconciliation Let us pray that we may experience the Sacrament of reconciliation with renewed faith, and taste the infinite mercy of God. APRIL Intention For evangelisation - Fundamental rights We pray for those who risk their lives while fighting for fundamental rights under dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and democracies in crisis. MAY Intention For evangelisation - The world of finance We pray that those involved in regulation of finances will work with governments to protect citizens and promote justice . JUNE Intention For evangelisation - The beauty of marriage Let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, generosity, faithfulness and patience, open to the gift of life. JULY Intention For evangelisation - The gift of friendship We pray that in social, economic and political situations of conflict we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship founded on Truth. AUGUST Intention For evangelisation - The Church Let us pray for the Church, that she may continue to receive from the Holy Spirit all the grace and strength she needs to be continually renewed in the light of the Gospel. SEPTEMBER Intention For evangelisation - an enviornmentally sustainable lifestyle. We pray that we all will make courageous choices for a simple and enviornmentally sustainable lifestyle. OCTOBER Intention For evangelisation - Missionary disciples We pray that all the baptised may be engaged in evangelisation, witnessing to the Gospel through their lives. NOVEMBER Universal intention - People who suffer from depression We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and all they need to help and encourage them, and a light to guide them. DECEMBER 2021 Intention For evangelisation - Catechists Let us pray for catechists, called to teach and announce the Word of God: may they bear witness with courage and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Other special intentions Persecuted Christians, in a particular we remember the Church in China The right to life: from conception to natural death Those suffering from addiction. Freedom of religion, For the sick, the dying and those who care for them. For all those in authority - in the Church, in the world - send your Holy Spirit to enlighten hearts and minds, so that justice and peace may reign. |
"Let my prayer rise before you like incense." Psalm 141 |
The Apostleship of Prayer is a Catholic association founded in France in 1844 by some Jesuit students, who dreamed of being missionaries in foreign lands. Their spiritual guide, Fr Gautrelet, taught them how to participate in the mission of the Church already through prayer, by uniting their prayers, deeds and difficult theological studies with missionaries in far off lands. They understood that this offering could only be lived in intimate communion with Christ. It was a decision to follow him motivated by a loving response obedient to his Spirit. In consequence, each moment and each day, down to the smallest details, was part of the mission that they themselves were living out. To do everything for Jesus, with him, and like him became their contribution to the big mission of the whole Church.
Through the Apostleship of Prayer, the Pope gives his monthly prayer intentions to the entire Church. For this reason, the Apostleship came to be known as "the Pope's own prayer group."
Through the Apostleship of Prayer, the Pope gives his monthly prayer intentions to the entire Church. For this reason, the Apostleship came to be known as "the Pope's own prayer group."