Like saint John at the foot of the Cross, we welcome the Mother of God into our homes and our daily lives, so that She can help us to sanctify all areas of our existence, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Enthronement is a simple ceremony whereby the Blessed Virgin Mary is welcomed into the home as Queen.
Extract from the Enthronement prayer:
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother,
...on our pilgrimage towards eternal happiness, we wish to welcome you into our home today.
Our home is now yours.
Help us to live here in your presence, knowing that you are watching over us always.
... Mary our Mother and Queen,
we entrust to you all those who are dear to us and confided to our care.
The enthronement of Mary, Immaculate Queen in homes is a specific apostolate of the Fraternity, a treasure which is its mission to make known, within the Church.
For further information, contact us at: m[email protected]
For further information, contact us at: m[email protected]